
Who We Are

Discover the Llewellin breeders behind our beautiful bird dogs!

Who We Are

Generations of Llewellin Breeders

Nate Dixon, Kennel Manager

Ritch Dixon, Trainer

Byron Sanders, Founder

Doing an effective job spans generations, and Sanders has been lucky enough to be joined by his hunting and training partner of over 40 years, Ritch Dixon, along with Ritch’s son, Nate, who now leads Pride Kennels.

Ritch has taken several Pride Kennel dogs to the top of their game in hunting and field trials, with Nate naturally growing up around the dogs, and getting exposure in the field from a young age. Nate would sure enough join the team of Llewellin breeders!

Nate kneeling with Llewellins

Nate and his Pride Llewellin, Nash, have received numerous awards and accomplishments over the past several years, including National Llewellin Gun Dog Club Champion in 2019. Overall, Nash has claimed over 25 placements in both NLGDC and NSTRA Trials.

Today, Nate takes a modern approach to breeding, performing complete genetic testing, and relying on years of scientific research and proven methods, to breed the best dogs. His Llewellins are healthy, stylish, athletic – and prove themselves time and time again on the hunt, and in the field trial area.

Want to see our dogs in the field? You can visit our friends at Macedonia Game Preserve to schedule a firsthand view.