Our Llewellins


Our Dams are proven, natural wild bird dogs.



Jenna is the daughter of Nash and Pippa. She is showing the same natural ability as her parents. A very stylish hard going dog with a sweet temperament around the house and kennel.



Jet is the daughter of Nash and Penny. She is our upcoming star at the kennel. She has been natural since day one and has been hunted on multiple different species across the United States.



Penny is smaller-framed, but powerful! She has a nice, high-cracking tail, with good range to to the front. Penny has tremendous style on point. She has been hunted and exposed to many different wild bird species across North America and exhibits great prey drive. Penny has also showcased excellence in field trials.



Fancy is bird-wise. She’s one of our closer-working wild bird dogs and has placed in a handful of trials. Her great temperament makes her a perfect fit in the field, as well as the home. Fancy has gained exposure to many wild bird species across North America. She has produced natural, early-starting puppies.



Star is a big-framed, powerful dog. Star has been a natural from day one. Her spirit is determined and her experience with wild bird species across North America is impressive! Star has high prey drive and desire! She has a great temperament in the field and in the home, and has produced great, natural puppies.



Storm is one of our up and coming stars. Storm has been a natural since early on showing great bird drive and style. Her temperament is great around the kennel and house.She has a sleek athletic build that keeps her hunting hard all day. Storm will be hunted on several wild bird species across North America this fall and evaluated to make the cut to be an upcoming dam in the future.

Want to see our wild bird dogs in the field? You can visit our friends at Macedonia Game Preserve to schedule a firsthand view.